Monday, January 5, 2009

v1.198 Changelog

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-networth, -nw, -nw #, -nw color, -nw team
-automatic -share in normal, accelerated, and capfest modes
-Removed Potion of Renewal from Capfest
-Reorganized shops to make certain items that relate to each other nearby
-New Item: Pirate Repair Crew (50 hp/s + 20 hp/s aoe, costs 6500)
-New Item: Pirate Sail (150% sail, can see invisible units, heavy teleport built in, costs 7500)
-New Item: Pirate Repair Wood (12000 heal, 6 armor, 120s cd, costs 5500)

-Fixed grammar errors
-Fixed a glitch that allowed you to repair without being in the repair bay (lowered radius of aura)
-fixed a glitch that allowed you to buy items from the enemy shops
-Fixed North Empire's capfest frog to match the movements of the South Empire's capfest frog
-Fixed Crusader's sight range in Capfest mode

-Increased price of Ghost Armada (from 8000 to 8500)
-Increased price of Quantum Accelerator (from 35 to 75)
-Increased price of Turbo Fuel (from 35 to 50)
-Decreased price of Potion of Renewal (from 1000 to 750)
-Decreased price of Thor's Cannon (from 6700 to 6600)
-Increased Junk Shield armor bonus (from 10 to 15)
-Increased price of Heavy Teleporter (from 1200 to 1400)
-Increased price of Sea Punisher (from 1500 to 1650)
-Decreased Interceptor speed (from 260 to 250)
-Decreased Crusader speed (from 245 to 240)
-Decreased Sea Punisher Speed (from 210 to 200)
-Naval Call from 450 heal over 10 seconds to 400 heal over 10 seconds
-Increased Energy Force Field duration (from 6s to 7s)
-Decreased price of Bombard Cannon (from 2100 to 2000)
-Decreased price of Mortar Cannon (from 7900 to 7500)
-Increased price of Frag-Fire Cannon as well as range (10750g to 11300g, 1050 to 1125 range)
-Decreased price of Vulcan Cannon (from 16000 to 15000)
-Reduced Goblin Mechanics Crew price and heal (from 5000g to 3800g, from 70 hp/s to 50 hp/s)
-Reduced Goblin Repair Wood price and heal (from 5400 to 3700, from 12000 heal to 8000 heal)
-Hiearchy of Wood Cooldowns (in seconds) changed (from 45, 70, 95, 120 to 40, 60, 80, 100, 120)
-Decreased base hitpoints and armor on Sea Punisher (800 to 750, 2 to 1)
-Increased price of Ensign Shell (from 1000 to 1200)
-Increased price of Lieutenant Shell (from 3000 to 3500)
-Increased price of Commander Shell (from 6800 to 7000)
-Decreased price of Captain Shell (from 11200 to 11000)
-Decreased price of Admiral Shell (from 16500 to 16000)
-Decreased price of Oblivion Cannon (from 625 to 600)
-Decreased price of Harpoon Cannon (from 800 to 775)
-Added another level to fishing net, took a level off capsize and slightly adjusted splash damage

-discosea, -rainbowsea
-Changed a few graphics
-Kill Leader is now announced in Capfest mode
-Kill Leader can be accessed with the commands -kl or kill leader
-Renamed Finding Treasure Contract to Treasure Contract
Latest version available for download at the Hive Workshop.