Monday, October 6, 2008

v1.190 Changelog

[Size: 863 kb]

-got rid of some memory leaks, reducing lag
-added -sd (ships destroyed)
-added -es (enemy ships)
-added -pl (player list)
-added a 1000 damage per second immolation to Flux Repair system against enemies and increased its heal rate from 1% per second to 5% per second
-made Hide and Integrated Smoke Screen instant cast (without having to click on self)
-revamped the jass script, took out all unnecessary stuff, 15000 lines to 10000 lines lol, fixed memory leaks in the jass
-removed -kick due to numerous abuses
-replaced Chopping Wood Contract with Oil Contract (cost: 0 lumber, go to refinery and back; reward 100 gold 1 lumber 50 experience)
-increased damage of Main Harbor from 50-90 to 90-100
-added Accelerated Mode
-added Same Random Ships Mode
-color coded Vote Modes
-added Time Elapsed to the multiboard
-added ss # trigger
-added DPS counts to items in the extended tooltip
-added cooldowns in the tooltips of active captain abilities
-added a 400 aoe True Sight to Main Harbor (Harder captives contract)
-removed Shadow Replication and Confuse due to item abuses, replaced them with Reinforced Defenses and Advanced Defenses, increasing armor by 20 and 40 respectively (this opens up new trader strategies)
-reduced sub price to from 5000 to 4000
-gave side harbors an attack with 700 range, 50-60 Normal Damage, and 1 second attack cooldown

-fixed icons for Freeze Water and Corpse Cannon
-fixed True Sight tooltip position
-fixed Battle Royal's ability tooltip positions
-fixed Merchant ship tooltip typo
-fixed a line of sight exploit
-removed captains due to multiple glitches/exploits
-fixed several trader mission typos

-added slow in cold-arrow cannon (15% movespeed for 3 seconds)
-changed Hulls: took out speed decrease and damage reduction,
--Stone Hull: 100 hp, 2 armor
--Bronze Hull: 500 hp, 5 armor
--Gold Hull: 1000 hp, 10 armor
-Barrier: price from 500 to 300
-Heavy Teleporter: price from 3500 to 2000; reduced range to 2000
-Flame Cannon: cooldown from 3 to 2.5, cost from 325 to 350
-Machinegun: cooldown from .12 to .15
-Cold Arrows: damage from 30 to 50, price from 1400 to 1600
-Glaive Thrower: damage from 220 to 200
-Knuckle: price from 4500 to 4600
-Molotov: price from 5300 to 5200
-Chaos Cannon: damage from 100 to 120
-Thor's Cannon: cooldown from 1.5 to 1.25
-Laser: range from 600 to 450, price from 10500 to 9500
-Frag Fire: price from 11300 to 10800

-allowed Dirupt Beacon to affect normal ships and towers, stopping their attacks for 8 seconds
-allowed Nautical Engineer Crew to affect structures at all levels, buffed life regeneration bonus from .4/.55/.7/.85/1/1.15 hp/sec to 1/2/4/6/8/10 hp/sec
-reworked Intercept to be a slide, having 500/700/900/1100/1300/1500 range, gaining 30/40/50/60/70/80% bonus movespeed at the end of the slide
-balanced Board Ship: damage per second from 10/30/50/70/90/110 to 25/50/75/100/125/150, duration from 6/8/10/12/14/16 to 5/6/7/8/9/10
-added ability Naval Call to Sea Punisher
-increased Goblin Bomber cast range from 650 to 900, removed casting delay, duration from infinite to 2 minutes
-fixed Acid Bomb to properly reduce movespeed by 30%, not increase movespeed by 30%

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Latest version available for download at the Hive Workshop.