Monday, October 6, 2008

v1.194 Changelog

[Size: 748 kb]

-changed Accelerated Mode gold bonus to split 1500n to each team, where n is the total number of human players (basically this takes the total number of players, multiplies by 3000, then splits that gold equally to both teams, so in a 5v5 it gives the same amount of gold as before, but in smaller matches it gives much less gold.)
-changed Helicopter to have no summon timer so it stays alive until death, also given an air-to-air attack
-added "-pool color" command (works like "-golddump on" but on a specified player)
-added "-gold color/#/team" command (tells you the amount of gold a specified ally has)
-added sea color change commands (that change only for the current player), "-(color)sea"
-added "-ss team" command which tells you the sailspeed of all your teammates.
-changed energy forcefield to be a reusable item, and changed informants to be a consumable

-fixed Harpoons to target ships only
-fixed a glitch with buying Hulls, Sails, Repair Crews and Repair Woods
-fixed a bug where a leaver left a gold number on the multiboard
-fixed Battle Royal to have a base regen of 15 like stated on the tooltip (it was 5 since 1.187)
-fixed Board Ship buff icon
-fixed gold dump function
-changed cruiser cannon icon to prevent confusion with flare gun

-increased Crusader's Capsize from 150 per level to 175 per level. (Maxes out at 1750 instead of 1500)
-increased cost of Oblivion Cannon from 500 to 550
-increased cost of Goblin Scout Crew from 400 to 500
-increased dps of Frag Fire Cannon from 210 to 230
-increased dps of Thor's Cannon from 146.66 to 176, price from 6300 to 6800
-decreased cooldown on Corpse Cannon from 1.25 seconds to 1.2 seconds
-decreased Molotov Cocktail cannon from 5300 to 5250
-decreased Heavy Teleporter from 2100 to 1600
-decreased Ipeonrusher from 100 to 75, switch it's place with warp phaser
-decreased Spare Planks from 75 to 50
-decreased Quantum Accelerator from 150 to 75
-added a 180 sec respawn time for Grandmaster repairmen item
-nerfed critical strike on hawks from Release Hunters and changed the amount of hawks to 2
-increased the casting range on Goblin Bomber from 800 to 1100
-increased cooldown on Goblin Repair Crew from 30 seconds to 60 seconds
-decreased casting time on Electro Magnetic Pulse and Freeze Water to 1.5 seconds
-Helicopter revamp: 300 hitpoints, 50 attack damage (only to other helicopters), new price of 500
-decreased cost of heavy teleporter from 1600 to 1400

-Added a minimap image made by Angel_Ship
-changed Cruiser Cannon hotkey from I to C
-changed the coloring on the Informants tooltip to be consistent with the rest of the items
-changed Oblivion Cannon animation
-changed all items in consumables shop (street merchant) to have a 0s restock time (people can stock up on flares and other consumables faster, except Grandmaster repair)

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Latest version available for download at the Hive Workshop.