Monday, October 6, 2008

v1.191 Changelog

[Size: 599 kb]

-Increased the amount of gold given at the beginning in Same Random Ships mode
-Increased side harbor ranges from 700 to 900
-Oil Contract reward is now 50 gold, 0 xp, and 1 lumber
-Crusader may now carry a hull or a kraken shell
-Changed level requirements on normal skills to 1/2/3/4 etc instead of 1/3/5/7
-Typing "-gd on" and "-gd off" can now be used instead of typing "-golddump on" and "-golddump off"
-Decreased the amount of gold given for later trade missions
-Replaced Goblin Junker model file to save a TON of map space
-Edited vote mode colors to be rainbow colored
-Changed Great Sail Icon to prevent confusion with sail upgrades
-Changed accelerated mode to double the income each second
-Changed many commands to show player color

-Fixed a glitch in which votes for Same Random Ships mode would appear to be for accelerated mode on the multiboard
-Fixed Spawn Timer to appear on Sea Monster

-Balanced all weapon DPS's using a new formula
-Increased Cold Arrow slow from 15% to 20%
-Kraken Shell has been changed to provide 15 armor, 1500 additional hp, and a 50% speed increase to your ship. The price is 4500.
-Removed Invulnerability from Spies and Wards. Both now have 1000 hp, but wards are invisible and spies are not

-Decreased the level requirement for the trader and merchant armor bonus abilities from 12 to 8.
-Buffed Dominator's EMP cast time to 0.5 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds
-Buffed Dominator's Slow Aura from 5/10/15/20/25/30% slow to 10/15/20/25/30/35% slow
-Changed Sea Punisher's naval call requirement from level 5 to level 8, and upped the price from 1200 to 1500
-Changed hp of trader from 75 to 50, bounty for trader and merchant from 500/1000 to 350/700

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Latest version available for download at the Hive Workshop.